[quote=outtamojo][quote=AN]Jp and car might feel forced, because they’re ok with paying more for American made. However, the majority of the buying public disagree. I know I do. The majority of the stuff that are disposable, the cheaper the better. I guess when you’re the minority, it does feel forced.[/quote]
Yes, if only people by the millions had never bought stuff at Walmart. Instead, Walmart went on to become a behemoth because millions voted with their wallets. Walmart did not open all those stores overnight- they did it gradually because the existing stores were successful, because folks chose to shop there. I myself hate Walmart, but they are succesful because people choose to go there and now, its too late to do anything about it because mom and pop got run over already and thus, no choices.[/quote]
Years ago, when Sam Walton was still alive, Wal-Mart prided itself on trying to source their goods domestically. All their stores were red, white, and blue; and “Made in the USA” was proudly displayed on banners and signs throughout the store.
Once Sam died, everything changed. It was pure greed that caused them to source everything in China and other low-wage countries. Americans did not initially start going to Wal-Mart because things were cheap/foreign-made, but did so because it was more convenient (one-stop shopping). In many towns, Wal-Mart was the only store willing to invest in a location there. The Chinese stuff got slipped to us slowly, over time. If they had done it abruptly, people would have been more alarmed, but they acclimated us slowly to the new “globalized” model. By the time more people understood what was going on, all of their choices had been largely eliminated.
edit: Too funny, jp! I was writing this as you were writing your post. 🙂