OT – And I have to agree that firefighters do well. But I still wouldn’t want their job. Whenever there is a fire, I wouldn’t want to risk my life, breathe the smoke and work around the clock. But granted, in Calif, that’s, what, once a year. But they act as paramedics also, no?
I have to say, cops are not doing as well. I know all about how they got screwed w/the pension deal and up until last year, they really didn’t get any kind of raise since like 2000. I don’t blame many of them for leaving to greener pastures.
Incredible magicians behind all this making money disappear from lottery and M.R. and prop tax, which in the past 7 years alone w/development and doubling of house values, is considerable. The new communities have decent streets, new schools, etc, but the rest of San Diego’s infrastructure leaves much to be desired w/potholed streets, breaking water mains, etc.