Or maybe property was just insanely overvalued in SF, to the point that only the wealthy could afford it. Maybe it’s a good thing that pricing is reverting to mean.
Policing in this country was largely crap from the 1990s to 2010s — too many people in prison for victimless crimes and psych/medical issues. I’m GLAD there’s been a reckoning. If business owners and stockholders get slightly less rich because of it, so be it.
Bail and pre-trial remand should only be used in the most serious of crimes. Keeping people locked up for years awaiting trial is fucking inhumane and unconstitutional. The system should be set up not to force people into pleading out to crimes they may not even have committed in order to get out of jail. Possible prison time should (if anything) be reduced to levels similar to what’s seen in Europe.
Also, “bombed out wasteland” is a bit of hyperbole. The yellow press really has it in for NYC, calling it a crime-riddled wasteland. Yet life goes on, mostly normally, for people who actually live here and don’t read the Murdoch (pronounced Merde-dog) media.
Besides, shouldn’t you see this as an opportunity? If prices crash to early 2010s levels, you could buy and rent out to your heart’s content.