Opinions on torn meniscus treatment seems to ebb and flo. Surgeons do surgery so that tends to be their preferred treatment. Some studies have shown, however, that depending on the symptoms, results from surgery may not be any better than less invasive treatments, like PT and treatment with NSAID’s. It seems that the dividing point between the two are the level of immobility and whether or not the knee is locking.
Recovery from surgery varies tremendously. I’ve known people that had surgery and were in pain and immobile for weeks. One guy was actually in a wheel chair for a few days followed by weeks on crutches. My sister was sore for months.
I was on the opposite end of the spectrum. I had 3 tears, 2 lateral, 1 medial repaired, plus tons of crud removed (the doctor said after pumping my knee full of saline, it looked like a snowstorm there were so many pieces floating around.) when I was about 45, after a specific injury and years of abuse. Had the surgery on a Friday morning, went out the following morning without crutches. Never had any pain. Dr. took a look on Monday morning and I went to work. A week later I was hiking. Never had therapy. Nothing. But everyone reacts a little bit different.