oooh, looks like I got under some skin…maybe I will tone it down a little. There is always some degree of hyperbole in what I am saying, and I apologize. I am arguing in ideals rather than pure on the ground implementation. That is always a messier sort of thing.
[quote]Either the public school in your area (many actually provide choices within your district) or you can elect to send them to private school. Or even home school them. That choice is yours.[/quote]
So the state takes my tax money, and I have either the choice of a state mandated secular humanist education or I can forfeit it and pay after tax dollar on a private school…Sounds a bit like state coercion towards the secular humanist school. And the notion that our schools must be absent any mention of God as a real and important part of our lives is indeed a federal mandate…
[quote]But with minor exception, that Muslim school (or any other parochial school) cannot receive direct federal or state funding. [/quote]
There is that coercion…again…
[quote](And the assertion that the absence of religion is a religion is absurd. In the rhetorical sense, it begs the question. It is a logical fallacy which assumes that everyone must have faith. I don’t, thank you. I don’t begrudge you having yours. It simply isn’t mine.)[/quote]
Let me state how I define religion…I define it as a faith and devotion to something that one can not prove. Can you prove God does not exist? Yeah I can not prove that he does either…so that is where that faith comes in. I am devoted to God, while you are devoted to your intellect and capacity for reason (I can respect that by the way).