One thing that may throw a monkey wrench in your planning is when you and your significant other decide to get married/have kids, then there will be a massive nesting instinct and you will be “forced” to buy no matter what.
There were reports from plenty of people who knew it would keep going down earlier from 2005-2008, but bought anyways since it was only money and less painful than to fight with the wife.
The good thing with buying is it’s a load off your mind and all the time you spend researching can be spent doing other things. Also, if you buy in places, as mentioned close to what it cost to rent, you aren’t paying anymore than the renter and in a high income bracket like you, you get the government helping out too…
Having a fixed known housing cost is great too…I’ve also noticed renters in the area tend to not be as “friendly” ,etc.. since they don’t feel as much is in the game, etc…