One thing that annoys me on this forum is poorly worded predictions. Be bold, make a clear prediction on a specific size/type of house. Then make the the threat of bumping the thread.
Ren – you can bump this thread all you want, but the fact is, your predictions are not clear at all so it won’t prove anything. Earlier you said “$400-500K”. Later you said “see the 500s”, which means 599K. That’s a predicted range of 400 – 599K for a house of non-descript size and location, except to say that they sold somewhere between 300 and 500K 15 years ago.
Here’s one of mine. It aint bad for Sept 8, 2006:
[quote=sdduuuude]Just for the record, I think there is a recession coming … I just think the early 2007 timeline is a bit early … I just think it will take time – very late 2007 or early 2008.[/quote]
[quote=sdrealtor]When all is said and done I believe you will still have to pony up at least 600K to get a nice 4BR between 2500 and 3000 sqft around that is not impaired in some way (i.e. backing to a busy street, trashed, under power lines, tiny yard etc.).[/quote]
I’m not familiar with the area, but if you show me a few nice, unimpaired 4BR houses between 2500 and 3000 sqft under 600K, I’ll know sdr is wrong.
If you show me any house under 500K, I still won’t know if you have actually predicted anything.
I, too, think sdr underestimates the substitution effect on this area but I appreciate his clear predition. He’s a bit rough, but he means well. I thought his sideline comment was kind of funny, actually.
My 2-step suggestion:
1) Grow thick skin.
2) Make better prediction.