One thing I would like to point out, and before I do I would like to qualify the following…
I am a Republican (for the most part)
I am against the War but will support it if there is anything we can do to prevent civil war (we have already messed it up and owe it to the Iraqi ppl to try to stabalize it)
I hate I hate I hate… George Bush
GWB does not equal John McCain (I wish the Dems would stop that analogy)
But I am tired of hearing how the Republicans are warmongers. If you look at our history it has been the Dems that have spent more money (adjusted for todays terms)on war. You can argue that this or that war was just or that Vietnam was bad BUT LBJ pushed through the helpful socail programs of the times. But mostly you can blame it on timing. Just stop accusing Reps of warmongering because it simply isnt true (don’t forgot low intensity conflicts like the Bay of Pigs). There is enough wat blame to go around on that one.
And there are people who need help out there. But they are not the ones holding up street signs saying so. In fact the ones that really need it are the toughest to find. You usually have to ventrue somewhere you wouldn’t normally go to find the truelly needy. You’ll find a large portion of people out there that would be come self sucffient out there if they were made to be. The Reps seem to recongize that more than the Dems.
SDDuuude is slow working me in to the theory that goverment involvement only screws things up. I think that would go for most social programs.
Just had to rant because of the Warmongering remarks.