one question I forgot to answer – we have the tempe condo managed by a prop mgmt firm that has done a good job for us over the past 3 yrs (the first firm was a nightmare we survived, had to do an eviction, legal fees, headache after headache…) This new firm has the place advertised everywhere and said they have never seen this – started the school year with 20+ of the properties getting absolutely no traction. He said the ones that did rent had lowered their rates from as much as $1500 to $700 right away.
Also, maybe its fate but our rental lease is actually up in September, maybe they’ll raise the rent on us who knows but it does seem like the right time to just buy and settle down somewhere. Or maybe we just take the $40,000 hit and not tie that decision into the purchase of our next home… but that makes me fee like the idiot “responsible taxpayer” that never comes out ahead.