On this topic, Since my kids are getting a little older and have started getting out more with people outside of our normal circles it has been a constant struggle to ward off junk food poisoning by other parents. I guess that’s over dramatic but junk food, candy and soft drinks like “minute made coolers” and Capri Sun just come up by the ton in their little social worlds.
At two soccer games today the kids were issued no less than 6 “treats” each. Of course often times the parents feel like they have to give my 2 year old bags full of shit so he won’t feel left out. Add birthday parties almost every weekend, end of season parties , holiday festivals ect. and it’s way out of control if we didn’t take most of it away and were not working with my kids on “no thanks” which is very hard.
Sugar may be bad, but the willful excess is nuts.I really think that’s the problem.