On a lesser (expensive) note, all my life, I have traveled a few weeks per year by road and frequently utilize motor lodges and (a few) business-type hotels when I am not staying with friends or relatives. A smallish microwave and frig are now standard equipment (even up to 13cf frig’s) in motor lodge chains throughout the nation. Nearly every traveler brings into their room at least a medium-sized ice chest to unload for their stay, however long or short. The vast majority of road travelers no longer want to wait to be served in a full-service restaurant while on the road when they could be making road time to their destination for the night (and possibly have more time in at their hotel for relaxing and swimming, etc before turning in for the night). Also, today’s road travelers like to eat the breakfasts they are used to eating at home … not necessarily the fruit loops and white toast/bagels and imitation orange juice the hotel chain may be offering. And they like to have their favorite sandwiches made for the road. Hence, most bring their own groceries from home (and coffee/small coffeemaker if they’re particular about their morning coffee). I’m no exception :-0