omg, this very disturbing, appalling and disgusting “false-imprisonment” incident appears to be clearly the fault of multiple agencies and happened due to complete and utter incompetence at several gubment levels, IMHO.
“Immunity” be damned!!
…Chong’s attorney, Eugene Iredale, said he plans to file a claim against the federal government as soon as today. He said he expected it would be denied and he would proceed with a federal lawsuit later this year.
I am familiar with the superior capabilities and lo-o-o-ong track record of Victim Chong’s highly-respected attorney, Gene Iredale, and can only say that the “writhing-in-mucky-muck-bureaucracy” attorneys for these gubment idiot-“agencies” would do well to have the good sense to meet with Chong and his attorney in a dark closet very early on to pay him an exorbitant sum of money to quietly go away.
Otherwise, this incident WILL go to trial and it is NOT going to be pretty.
Ugh, I’ve seen a LOT of gubment screwups …. but this is just bad …. really b-a-a-a-a-d :=0