Find out the connection between Joseph or Divah Mendoza and JVD Investments LLC. If you find them connected then you get a prize.
As fishy as this looks there is not much to say yet.
First off, you cannot record a deed until you RECEIVE a deed. It takes the trustee anywhere from a few days to about 10 days before you get the deed after you make the purchase of a home at the courthouse steps. So no big news there at all.
As UCGAL pointed out, I have seen many a case where the new owner doesnt even record until as late into the escrow of the flip as possible. Also you can record the deed at whatever price you want. There are some big guy flippers who will write on the back of the deed a million bucks or whatever. One guy I know who does a ton of stuff in San Marcos, Vista does that. It is maddening. Klinge knows the guy as well. This guy makes money hand over fist.
JVD Investments is on line. Google them, call them and see who is on the board of directors. Basically if you find the trail to the previous owners you got them.
Not a bad idea… Buy a home, finance it to the friggin hilt, get investors or a front corp to use cash to purchase it at trustee sale after you lived in it for free for a year or two, then resell it and make a few hundred k…