okay so all your comments about this and other’s stories have made me laugh this early a.m.
But I do have to say that I think everyone is a bit harsh with their comments to Marion…hey at least she posted here with the question….as a woman, I can empathize with her post. Having rodents in the home is not a fun thing…but hopefully your son is now old enough to be the man and help catch these poor little creatures who choose the wrong garage!
We are living in an older rental. When we first moved here there were these little moths EVERYWHERE. My 2 year old daughter thought it was hilarious when mommy would run around chasing them and killing them, she even followed clapping her hands behind me, and became the very good bug spotter!
I was thinking, did they come from our boxes which had been in storage, but soon found they were coming from the pantry-owner who had moved out was asian and probably stored lots of rice in there….also, we’ve had our times with spiders. So I set up a monthly pest service to at least spray around the outside of the house. It has helped with spiders…now did I bother the landlord…no there are bigger fish to fry with this home and I definitely don’t want to use up my ‘free help’ tokens…point is, I think it’s better to use some common sense with some issues and try and manage small problems yourself, now after some time if you can’t get rid of them, you’re right, you may want talk to the owner as he/she won’t want them in the property as I would think long term, they could cause some damage (chewing wires, etc).
Good luck and happy hunting!