Okay. I really thought I was out of here, but I want to say a few more things.
I think what flu and others don’t realize perhaps is that maybe the reason people actually apply to be cops/firemen could very well be for the fact there’s a pension and for something financially stable, despite the risks of the job.
But at a certain point, risking your life is not worth it. There has to be some incentive. If you have the physical, psychological and mental ability to do the job of a cop or fireman, there has to be pay commensurate to the risk involved.
dave makes it sound like people are lining up to do the job. Does he think people would line up if it were $10 an hour? B/c given a choice, one day fighting a fire could persuade a few people to go work at In-N-Out. Starting pay there is $11 an hour. Put in your 8 hours a day and go home w/out taking your job w/you. Your time is your own when you’re not at work. They don’t have to risk their life flipping burgers. No one is going to call them in the middle of the night to go to work.
I really question if the private sector will do as good a job and for less. Private sector wants to MAKE money and don’t care about the customer.
They will cut corners and it could mean not saving every house in a fire b/c they may not want to waste fire retardant.
I saw a fireman down at the beach resuscitate some guy as if it was his brother. Think private sector would make the effort? I can see it now. “What? Give mouth to mouth. Call it!”
Name one private company that does something for the good of people and not their bottom line.