Okay, I finally made my way through the Ladder Theory. Oddly enough, I tend to agree with him, with a couple of exceptions:
1. Quote from the “Friends With Benefits: portion of Ladder Theory:
That being said, usually women are more interested in long-term relationships than men, and consent to this form of relationship because there is ladder disparity in favor of the male.
I believe women consent to this relationship when the disparity is in her favor (she’s in the power position), because she’s using him as an in-betweener — someone she uses for physical affection/sex until something better comes along.
2. He states he’s not bitter, but it’s pretty obvious he’s been the CB on a number of occasions. Still, this doesn’t discount his perspective entirely.
Other than that, like it or not, I’d say he’s pretty much hit the nail on the head. 😉