OK…so this is a lot of commentary. The bottom line is…energy/oil is running out. If it was so abundant, then why would we be discussing it so much? There are some that believe in the “myth of progress” (Michael Greer) and I see that in the statements about electric cars, green technology, etc. It is all a fake, a front, false. We are on a downward spiral, and denial is probably a good thing, because after all, we are conditioned to be “positive”–and buy buy buy. Nature is a nice sideline, isn’t it?
The planet is finite and it can’t take much more. It is a done deal. It is difficult to know what do with money, because money is also a fake reality—a creation—means everything, but yet, means nothing. If you get your head out of the sand and accept the unbearable truth, then that is nothing but depression. It is the decline of this civilization and we are living it.
We try to beat it, by buying houses that are 50% off, and stocking up on supplies, but, this is no guarantee. The anxiety is getting up there.