OK, so justme doesn’t think the people disembowling aid workers are evil. No babysitting jobs for you. Justme also doesn’t think we are any better than the people who carbomb schools. I would hate to live in a country filled with violent felons like that, and that’s not just me.
I wasn’t claiming the alliance with Russia was an exact parallel to the situation with Pakistan, just showing the big gaping flaw in your attempt at logic in snarking that we must not be good because we’ve allied with Pakistan. Speaking of evidence you don’t argue well, the word you’re looking for is ‘disingenuous’. And the statement that I’m wrong ‘twice over’ suggests you have trouble counting. To two.
North Korea has been working on nukes for at least 10 years, Iran at least 15. It is understandable that justme blames those two programs on Bush, who’s been in office under 6 years, since justme can’t count to 2, let alone 6, and never mind the double digits. Justme also seems upset that we haven’t attacked a nuclear power. Or perhaps that we have only attacked countries with oil (besides Afghanistan). Or that we don’t attack countries with military dictatorships (besides Iraq). Maybe justme is just upset about not learning more math, geography, or logic in school, who can tell.
It’s a school night, and we can all hope maybe justme will learn something tomorrow.