We already went round and round where I countered all his points.
All he has are interpretations, which by definition, does not make it universal.
If you want to argue A LOT, sure it’s a relative term though.
You can make the same arguments about other forms of religion.
Which I did according to the criteria set forth by the preacher. He ignored my data that showed other religions preaching violence according to scripture. Which is being done today. They are also interpretations that I do not place on a religion as a whole.
I am not going to rehash it. But there are plenty of religious scholars in christianity and judaism that preach violence. More so in Judaism when done in a population ratio basis.
You can go back to the first few pages if you wish and see my examples.
He is decreeing that violence in Islam has to be adhered to via scripture. And his interpretations are real and universal and others are not. That is what preachers do, plain and simple. He is preaching his interpretations are real and others are not..
It’s a circular argument based on HIS and OTHERS interpretations. UR did a good job debunking his Islam argument piece by piece.
I debunked his claim that it did not go on in other religions according to his criteria
His only argument was NO IT IS UNIVERSAL BECAUSE I READ IT. He is preaching. I’m done with the discussion because has reached absurdity. Hence my poking fun at his preaching. Which he is doing, by definition.
He is a preaching the true Islam according to surveyor, which he took from others. His true islam according to scripture. But not other scripture.
He is by definition, insane. Claiming one true truth because he interpreted a certain way.