OK, I just watched Larry Kudlow on CNBC. He indicated that the Supply Side view of slashing of the Fed Funds rate will actually strengthen the US Dollar. That seems to be the mantra coming from Wall Street. Talk about addiction and rationalization. I am open to hearing views on this because as much as these guys come across to me as cartoon characters they have a tendency to always get their way. They are basically lobbying for a major Central Bank bailout. Of course we are having these problems right now because of the Central Bank bailouts of the past pioneered by Greenspan. Moral Hazard.
This is really starting to drive me crazy. The only way the US can sustain it’s GDP is if people continue to spend more than they make. A major central bank bailout will pump money into the next bubble….consumer credit. So the party goes on for a little while longer. I am relatively moderate in most of my views but this is becoming clear to me that these people are going to take this country into a nightmare. Of course we may already be there. Am I missing something here??