OK, back to the mouse issue. Funny thread though, but it really decompensated in the later posts. Good gawd, cats vs dogs, what dress size Marion wears….sheesh! I loved the original post about the pot smoking though! I didn’t know mice liked to get high! LOL!
We own a house in the hood. SERIOUS mice problems over the years. And, yes, we have had exterminators. The exterminators set traps and come back and get them. You can do this yourself.
For us, we are happy to have good, clean, PAYING tenants, so we will do whatever is necessary. We have sealed the house twice. The mice come back. It is the nature of the game.
I live in a rental. Over the years, I get a rat in the winter in the garage. I set a rat trap and kill it. I do not notify the landlady.
Poison traps are ill advised. One, they are inhumane. Two, the rodents go looking for water and sometimes die in the walls. Smells REALLY bad until the mouse disintengrates.
There may be an increase in rodents due to the fires. Or construction/remodeling.
I think it is okay to notify the landlord, but have a good and pleasant attitude. Anything entitled and demanding does not come across well. It is better to attract flies with honey than with vinegar.