Oh, I am telling the truth. And I know its not a great deal. But when 45 of the 170 houses in your development are for sale and you have had your house on the market for 16 months you do what ya gotta do.
Perhaps “sale” is a strong word. But I do have a signed agreement of sale I can try to enforce down the line. I know, I know.
I should say that these are not complete strangers. They live in my neighborhood. I have one of the 15 houses on the water, they currently live in one of the 160 houses not on the water. They saw this as their opportunity to move up to a waterfront house that in a more stable market they would not pay the premium to own. Their house is pristine. The one in the neighborhood that always has the immaculate yard. So I’m doubting that is going to change. Also, the wife is a local business owner with signifigant, long tem ties to the community. So I have some safety there.
I’m taking some huge risks here, I admit.
But I figure if they walk in the end, at least I’ve covered my nut and been able to take some losses off on my taxes. Then I can put my property back on the market in two years in a hopefully more stable market. Or I get it back and I can rent it again.
If they come through then I get a monkey off my back, and out of my wallet.