Oh, forgot to mention that I came upon an data mining/selling website that indicated whoever was living at the Daniels’ Sherry Lane address applied for and received a Small Business Administration-backed loan in January of 2008. The business name listed was American Patriot Insurance Services, which does have a product line for the construction industry. Only thing is, that’s the name of the parent corporation which is based in Illinois. I’m assuming that Steve’s start-up company (mentioned in the NTC article) was selling that company’s line, but I have no idea why his firm’s name wouldn’t be on the loan.
At any rate, I haven’t been able to find *any* mention of Steve Daniels and insurance anywhere. You’d think if he worked in the field for several years, and then opened his own office that did well enough to pay him a salary of $15k/month, there’d be something somewhere on the WWW or telephone records. But I came up empty-handed. No address. No phone number. No advertising. No business publication articles. No referrals. Zip. Nada.
I’m not saying that the guy doesn’t have an insurance business. But it’s easy to see why it may not be doing well.