Oh also, all of this is IMHO, OK NSHO.
Follow at your own peril, or ignore at your own peril … how is that for on the fence …
My take is that, 3000 sqft Mcshitbox wont cost under 125K. I bought for 150 in 2003. Inflation would ahve adjusted to 150K – maybe. So today’s price of Mcshitbox = 175. That seems to be holding tight. Now interspersed with these Mcshitboxes, are other builders Mcshitboxes albeit built 1 stick at a time and at design time they’ll let you move walls and windows all you want … and yea they have granite counters and what ever – fluff, and those cost say 200. They want to sell you for 400. OK I expect that to crash to 220 (cost + 10%) … of course that may stay strong and mine might crash to 100 like WTF … but my hope is that, that is not likely, and my Mcshitbox is better than theirs cos atleast its not shit laced with granite and hence more $$$ … who knows … Ergo my conclusion that I am so special (OK atleast I have some research proving it) and they aren’t.