However, like the republican thread, I tend to agree with the generalization. Certainly, there are concentrations of wealth in the liberal cities (not necessarily earned by liberals from business enterprises, but through inheritance, etc.)
However, I believe the stereotype of the far-left liberals residing in government, the universities, and unions is true. For every Internet start-up started by a liberal Berkeley or Standford grad., there are thousands of professors and government workers who are hardcore liberals and have never employed a person or met a payroll in their lives (thebreeze being a notable exception).
Anyway, what prompted me to ask this (in addition to the rural Republican thread) was a conversation with my young brother-in-law who is an accounting major and voted for Obama. I was a little surprised when he told me this (as we started talking about investment and corporate tax issues). Anyway, he was clueless about the Democrats’ positions on increasing various taxes (and how it would impact American businesses if enacted).
Anyway, I left with him this picture: “You know the guy who is a hardcore Obama supporter who you think is cool, smart, and trendy? Yes, well just remember that guy will probably never give you a job (instead going to graduate school to teach, etc.) . . . This made him think for a second and, after a minute thinking, he told me that every job he has ever had was given to him by a Republican.
I don’t think it is a coincidence. I have never been employed by a poor person or liberal either, especially one who started the business.