Of course, it’s water under the bridge now, but SoCal’s chronic water shortage is IN LARGE PART DUE to Big Development repeatedly and successfully “palming” goodies to our local (greedy) elected officials over the last ~25 years, folks. It worked!
Yes, we elected them and what do we have to show for our (misguided) votes now? Massive “master-planned communities” and “subdivision hell” as far as the eye can see with much of the units built on substandard lots in order to cram double the amount of residents into one acre (w/your local gubment’s blessing). As a result, we now have severely clogged fwys … even gridlock on several roads every morning and evening and ugly “Big Box” stores everywhere.
“Econobox,” indeed (picked that term up from joec :))
flyer, I don’t even recognize SD County today. It isn’t anything like the SD I remember and once loved. Imho, Cali’s (at least SoCal’s) glory days have long passed and this is a dirty shame. Cali had/has more variety in nature to offer than any other state in the country. Much of it has now been infringed upon by Big Development and/or not properly maintained due to severe govm’t budget cuts resulting from (drumroll) …. unfunded mandates due to expanded entitlement programs as a result of “too many people.” Not people who are contributors to society but people who cannot or will not meet their own basic needs. How did all these people get here? WELL, have you ever heard the mantra, “Build it and they will come?” Yeah. That’s how I believe a lot of them got here. I see it everywhere. After these “newcomers” lost their homes to FC, etc, thousands upon thousands of them found a way to stay (on your dime).
Sorry for the rant. As you may surmise, it’s probably well past time for me to finally move … :={