[quote=ocrenter]So I got my answer on the “necessity” of assault weapons. It is so when true patriots need to rise up against the oppressive government, they have the ability to do so.
Given that same line of thought, it is then ok to have some innocent casaulties along the way to maintain that ability to launch armed resistance against future government encroachment real or imagined.
But why stop at semi-automatics, why not have the ability to keep a few tanks and maybe even go nuclear.[/quote]Or tactical nuclear weapon? It all has to do with the amount of damage that the device does. With semi-auto, it would take a large portion of the populace. With more powerful weapons, it would take fewer people. Potentially too small of a group to truly represent the populace’s wishes.
With the current tech in tanks.. I do get concerned. What if they are used against the populace. How do you stop an M1A2? Anti-tank weapons were not too effective against them in Iraq.
Instead of just looking at weapons, also consider that this guy was able to get into a school that had instituted new safety measures to protect its kids. Safety measures that mandated parents signing in, etc. How did he get past these? A perv could also go past these same security measures to ‘snatch’ a kid.
I also wonder if some of the ‘protecting’ that parents do for their kids combined with some of the video games, may also make them unfeeling. How do you understand and emphasize with someone being shot unless you know something more than what a video game shows you. How do you understand that is something you don’t want happening to you.. and that there is no ‘respawn’/’rebirth’ button?
Somethings not right here.. and it is not the guns. Guns have always been in our society and there have not been problems like this. Particularly, not as many. Why do they feel compelled to use a deadly weapon on the weakest portion of society?