[quote=ocrenter][quote=sdrealtor]And there was another the infamous Powayseller as well as a few smaller skirmishes. Just so you know in each and every case I have been the clear winner in my positions being far more accurate than those I was debating with. I am undefeated!!!You dont even stand a chance as the others were far beyond you.[/quote]
are you sure about that. let’s not get another war started.
btw, OGB is quite similar to PS if I do say so myself.[/quote]
ocrenter, as to your previous post, I mentioned three communities on either end of the 56, CV, PQ and RB. The rest of the communities are not situated on the 56. I continue to maintain that workers in Northern SD and North County job centers have MANY communities to choose from to be close to work and not have to use the 56.
FWIW, I checked out powayseller’s blog after sdr identified her for me many months ago. She seems to be quite intelligent as well as very eloquent. I don’t know what all went on here with here with her but could it be that her intelligence may have intimidated a few Piggs? Could it be that there may have been misogynism going on here? It wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was the case.
sdr, would you consider “winning” and being “undefeated” as “important” or “very important” to you? Just curious ;=]
ocrenter, if you’re going to compare me to powayseller, I will take that as a compliment :=] Although I do not possess anywhere near the level of education she does, I believe we have different skill sets, both useful in the “real world.”