Remember this guy did have mental health Care. He went off his meds, remember? Remember people on this forum were blaming medications for his actions? When it was the lack of that was the problem. So how do we force him to take meds everyday? Had we had a national registery on gun ownership that the police had access to, maybe they could have accessed it to see how much of a threat he was to society? Especially if he stockpiled his 40000 rounds within the last month.
Maybe he needed to be institutionalized. He did show signs of violence prior to committing this act. This is always a tough area because your taking away somebody’s freedoms.
The number of rounds is certainly excessive but obviously he did not use anywhere near that many rounds when he went on his spree. He could have accomplished the damage he created with 50-100 rounds. Do you flag somebody that buys a lot of ammunition, I suppose you could, but in 99% of those instances it’s probably going to flag a normal law abiding citizen that’s just an avid shooter.
Point is accountability of the gun owners and elevating the bar of ownership. If my gun was used and accidentally killed a neighbor’s little girl, I should be at fault. And guns should be just as hard to obtain as a car. And just as every car is registered, every gun should be too.[/quote]
These things are already true. It is harder to buy a gun than a car in this state. There’s a waiting period, a registration requirement, etc. I’m not arguing that we remove the current restrictions.