I don’t know what causes the increased cases of autism. Better diagnosis? Maybe. Increased vaccination schedule? Possibly. But I don’t believe we can say without a doubt that mercury had nothing at all to do with it.
If you believe it can’t, Donald Rumsfeld has an artificial sweetener for you.[/quote]
one very plausible explanation is simply this is evolution at work. the human brain of today is dramatically more complex than just 5-6 thousand years ago. it is being exposed to significantly more stimuli then ever before and it is trying to grow in capacity.
autism may simply be failed attempts to bring the human brain to the next level.
we always hear comments about how kids today are a lot smarter than yesteryears, that’s the part of this evolutionary process that we are not noticing.[/quote]
They did a study on autism within the Amish community that is averse to all vaccines. The ratio was 4 out of 22,000 when out of 22,000 in the normal population would be normally 130 with autism. Out of those 4 , 3 were vaccinated.
Concluding the vaccines contribute to autism is bad for business see big tobacco science.