American rate of death by gun (homocide and suicide) is at 10/100k, most of the OECD countries are below 1/100k.
You do the math on that one.[/quote]
Here’s a recent study with graphs. If do some cherry picking you can arrive at a conclusion that more guns = more deaths. Of course we can always cherry pick data to suit our agenda.
I never said guns increase crime rate. I’m saying you get more gun death with more gun ownership. Not all gun death are criminal. Crime rate is actually falling over the last 40-50 years over the entire country, but regardless of per-capita gun ownership.
As for your Chicago example. We do know poverty increases crime rate. Now poverty wih guns, that’s the perfect storm. That’s why places like Nicaraga has something like 40+/100k gun deaths.
A city is not going to be able to enforce gun control, you just have to drive a block out of the city and you will not be subject to that control. You know that, but of course you will use that to justify zero control, because that fits with your narrative.[/quote]
Why do the anti-gun folks always want to focus on “gun-related” homicides? I don’t care how someone chooses to kill, I only care that he kills. Conversely, the #1 way for a person (especially a weaker person) to defend him/herself is with a gun. Millions of crimes are thwarted every year because people use guns in self-defense. Why would we want to prevent people from protecting themselves, especially when killers, rapists, and other violent criminals will not be tamed by taking away guns?
Even if you could eliminate every gun in the world, do you think that would prevent a killer from killing? That’s totally naive and unrealistic, IMHO.