[quote=ocrenter]I don’t know, squat. I think it was already quite apparent how Romney view the little people. And while I would not say ALL one percenter believe half of the country are moochers, I do think a huge number of them do look at the poor as they are simply lazy.
I was not shocked as much as disappointed! There was a part of my brain which was hoping that Mitt was taking all these public positions just to fit into the republican base, but bellow all that he was basically a nice level headed guy who had decent handle on things…
Hearing him say all these things in a private setting, confirmed all those stereotypes of out of touch one percenter. Having listened to the whole video, I can say that there was absolutely no reason for him to say what he did. This was probably the first time we got to hear the real Romney – not the carefully scripted polished Mitt that you see on TV.
And boy, was that not a disappointment? He appears to be very close to what Obama campaign says he is – which is a real shame!