I am unfamiliar with the 56 corridor but agree with you about Eastlake. I suggested Rancho Del Rey (Belmonte) and RDR Estates (although a little too expensive) to the OP, NOT “Eastlake.” These communities are 5-7 miles west of Eastlake and Eastlake does not even compare to them.
Again, want to avoid any “misperceptions” here. Different communities of Chula Vista should not be lumped together as one. It is a medium-sized diverse city.[/quote]
yes, but it is still Chula Vista. call me snobby, but I just can’t get myself to write down Chula Vista as my address.[/quote]
ocrenter, can I ask if you drive 5-7 miles from your home in any direction, where are you? Is is actually someplace you would want to live? How about in ALL directions??
In San Diego County, ONE BLOCK can make a huge difference!
Whether someone is a “snob” or not does not offend me. To be frank, when I was looking at the active listings in 92127, I did not find what I consider to be quality construction, except in the the SantaLuz customs. Even in a couple of those, they were not appointed nearly as well as San Diego urban or South County properties of the same size. In the vast majority of cases, the lots were inferior to those in 91910, 91902 and most San Diego urban lots. Not only inferior in size but also inferior as to elevations, views and privacy. The area is almost entirely on tract and has one major thoroughfare in/out to the west. I have no doubt it is hotter than the above areas and it is inconvenient to commute in/out of to anywhere, due to heavy traffic. It is encumbered by multiple HOAs and CFD’s. These statements have nothing to do with “snobbery.” It is what it is. I don’t begrudge anyone who wishes to invest there. But it is plain to see why this area currently has the amount of distress it does. Perhaps when all the distress flushes out there, the true values will be known. Until then, a new buyer there takes a risk of significant loss of equity in the coming months/years, IMO.