[quote=ocrenter][quote=bearishgurl]In relation to the location of JOBS, which communities WIN, OCR??
Edit, actually a small section of RB resides on the WEST side of I-15.[/quote]
give it up. you showed your ignorance. don’t even bother.
it is just like the whole 4S is part of city of SD thing. after you couldn’t talk your way out of that one, you pulled out the Thomas guide and then started going into how there’s got to have been some conspiracy to keep 4S out of the city.
just like I don’t ever claim to be an expert on Chula Vista, don’t try to play the expert on the 56 corridor when you probably never even driven on the 56.[/quote]
You need to reread my previous post, ocr.
[quote=bearishgurl]ocrenter, as to your previous post, I mentioned three communities on either end of the 56, CV, PQ and RB.[/quote]
Obviously, there is something you’re not “getting” here.
And your “misunderstanding” doesn’t alter the fact that you’re not taking into account all the OTHER nearby communities to JOB CENTERS that I brought up which are NOT situated on the “56 corridor.”