[quote ocrenter]agree the tax return thing is all politics. hence Romney needs to just release the tax info and take a hit for a couple of weeks and move on. otherwise this thing is going to keep haunting him. one big problem is you got the ghost of George Romney’s quote “One year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show.” how do you fight against that?[/quote]The problem is that it opens the whole thing to a fishing contest. Romney makes most of his income from Investments. 2008 was a very bad year for investments and any smart tax planner would use the losses of 2008 to cancel any gains in 2009 and after if possible. I think the Obama campaign is trying to bring up that Romney didn’t pay taxes in 2009 (because of investment losses). This is likely to play well people who don’t understand saving and investing, and will make a good ‘sound bite’ and diversion from the facts and presidential performance. The problem is that the previous election, very few Democrat Presidential hopefuls revealed their tax returns. Almost all of the Republican hopefuls revealed 2 years. One needs to ask: What is the real point of this requirement?
In the previous election, Obama brought President Bush to task on his record. It is now Obama’s turn to face his record and he does not want to.
[quote ocrenter]in the developing world, government policies is vital for the economy. in the developed world, government policies at best changes the slope of the up and down sine wave.
so it really isn’t about economy and jobs.[/quote]
I would have to disagree with you on these. The statement that gov policies don’t matter in the developed world does not stand up to facts nor is supported by evidence. A simple change in government policies and create or destroy entire businesses in the developed world. NOTE: Creation of all of the security businesses, TSA etc. NOTE: The overturn of standard business bankruptcy rules in the GM BK, and how it has now caused lenders to not want to pick up corp bonds… making financing tighter for any businesses.
[quote harvey]Talk about fishing expeditions. Going back to 1992 – two decades – to find a counter-example?[/quote] Last time I checked, we don’t vote for the next president every year… So I had to go back through records. I also brought up that Hillary Clinton did NOT reveal any tax records on her run, while the Repub presidential hopefuls did. Now you decide that you yourself have the right to limit it to party selects? sorry, the world doesn’t work that way. If you look through history, you will find that few presidents ever revealed that info: http://www.taxhistory.org/www/website.nsf/Web/PresidentialTaxReturns/
Why is this new thing becoming the norm?? because it diverts from the facts.
[quote harvey]Romney’s financial situation is relevant, because his business experience is in a field that provides dubious benefits to the American economy and the middle-class American worker.[/quote]This could be a valid subject EXCEPT that his tax records will not reveal that. Instead, go after the history of Bain Capital. Also remember that Warren Buffet closed the original company that was Berkshire Hathaway.. and all those jobs went away. Do you remember what that company was?
[quote harvey]My original post is actually about congress and the senate. The fact that Republican legislators consistently vote as one single mind. [/quote]Not supported by facts in evidence and both parties are presently trying to force their elected members to vote along party lines – Democrat and Republican both.