surely would be buyers can try to low-ball 2nd to possible future break-ins by the Earls and the army of armed guards and lock-smiths their lawyer would be sending over.[/quote]
Beautiful large home on large lot. Why on EARTH would a head of a “family of 11” jeopardize their family home by ATMing to death? It’s REALLY HARD to find something reasonably priced and suitable for a family of that size, to rent or buy.
They orig pd a reasonable price for it. Couldn’t they have just kept their orig loan or refied to a lower interest rate, if they refied at all??
Only incredibly short sighted, stupid people or scumbags (wanting to live off the cash it generated, knowing they would default) or both would do something like this. Now their credit is SHOT FOR 7-10 YEARS and they will need to rent large homes for awhile cuz they STILL have several minor children to raise.
All the “press coverage” they (and their equally lowlife “attorney”) pandered after did NOT help their “case” one bit. It just made them look like the lowlifes they are TO THE WHOLE COUNTRY! If I was a landlord in their area, I would NEVER rent to them. Could you imagine almost certainly having to file a UD on them for nonpayment of rent and have to get the sheriff to evict them and all their stuff?? And then try to file another suit for damages to your property after that??? And then COLLECTING your judgment????
LOL . . .
Hope they’re “enjoying” what’s left (if any) of the $500K or so they “stole” from their former lender.
Dumb A$$es!! TANF payments are not high enough in CA to support this many children.
Due to these parents’ unending stupidity, I predict this family ends up somewhere in the middle of NV in two dilapidated double-wides with old tires holding the roofs down, on a crudely “designed” leachfield (with poss. exposure to radioactive soil or air-borne substances) :={
late edit: just perused this thread again. It appears that several of the Earl children are being fostered by them. The State of CA pays approximately $540 mo. for each foster child, plus Medi-Cal, food stamps, bus passes & free school lunches (older children) and any other special needs. Don’t know how many of their “children” are foster, but these payments are significantly higher than TANF would pay them.
If I’m wrong on any of these benefits, can any Piggs correct me . . . Ricechex??
IMHO, “fostering” is an awfully “responsible gig” for “parents” that appear to be this dimwitted. It almost appears as if they have been “working the system” for a very long time.