[quote=ocrenter]…As to your price comparison to before, there were no remotes in the 70’s, so I’ll assume 25 cent fries were 70’s prices as well. Adjusted for inflation you are looking at $1.5 which is pricier compared to today. Plus the amount of fries per serving has increased dramatically as well. Remember, child size hamburger of today was the regular sized hamburger of yesteryears…[/quote]
Change the “70’s” to the “60’s.” But agree that there were no remote-controls during most of the “70’s” either. Yes, there was only one-size of fries, which came in a small paper bag. Yes, you are correct in that the “Happy Meal hamburger” of today was the “Reg. adult hamburger” of yesteryear, often on special 5 for $1. The BK “Whopper” and McD “Big Mac” became available in the early 70’s. In the 60’s, there was Hamb, Chsburg, dbl chsburg (2 reg hamb) and Fish Sand. When “Jack” came on board, it introduced the “Chicken Sand,” lol.
Purely anecdotal from memory, the min wage (per hr) was approx:
ocrenter, I understand that “calories” are mainly in the fine print on chain-restaurant menus today but I feel that even if this info was on the front of menus in LARGE PRINT, it wouldn’t matter. Consumers will just order what they’re used to having and what makes them and their party “feel good.”
I don’t think “nanny state” regulations mandating disclaimers and disclosures to consumers on restaurant menus will do anything to combat obesity of its customers.