[quote=ocrenter] http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/us-politics/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-updates-boxer-files-longshot-bill-to-scrap-the-1479234745-htmlstory.html
Oh, Good L@rd! She’s another CA ultra-lib living in her (self-imposed) “bubble of the privileged.” She needs to crawl back to her quiet, bucolic Marin County enclave and enjoy her “retirement,” now that she’s finally out of the picture. She’s wasting her time on proposing this go-nowhere “legislation.” Doesn’t she have a bicycle, a library card and grandchildren to visit? I hear there is a fairly new (albeit hidden from the sunlight :=0) bike trail going all the way down to Muir Beach. Why isn’t she down there picking up whole seashells and live crabs in her “old age?”