You decry the PC police, yet you sit here and you are advocating that we should judge her by her intent. What kind of republican/libertarian are you?? Just because she is a beautiful lady, you automatically assume that she is just a girl and didn’t know what that meant, she probably just heard that on Imus? What if she were hot and witty like this blond beauty AC:
“If I’m going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.” this is least objectionable thing she has said. I can’t quote anything else or I will be banned by the PC police.
Then what? What if she had bad intent? What if it was a slur? Then we shouldn’t have free press and she should be fired and run out of town?? Yep, that’s exactly what you are saying. You are no better than the left you claim to be lecturing. I didn’t see you defending Imus. Ron Paul was the only patriot besides me defending Imus.
You probably don’t get the Family Guy.
You should read “1984” and if you haven’t been brainwashed you should check out the “Turner diaries” and you might find sympathy with the encroachment of a socialist/commie bureaucracy and the oppression of most forms of liberty.