Not sure what impact it will really have but my guess says that gold challenging $1K could have an impact on the future of the markets. It may not be much of a telling sign, but it does show us that many investors are making the move back to portions of the commodity market for safety purposes.
I believe the dollar is on the brink of a major downward move, but we will have to wait and see. As far as commercial real estate, my guess is the banks won’t come knocking as fast as we think. Banks have learned a hard lesson from the residential market. If they play the cat mouse game playing with supply and demand they could spare huge losses, at least that is the thought.
As much as I think we will have some changes this fall my prediction is that 2010 will be an ugly year financially for America. If I were a betting man, which I am, I would cash out of equities put a little money in gold stocks and relax. Not much else can be predicted with the manipulation game in place.