Not everyone places a high value on weather. I won’t sacrifice or give up weather. Can’t deal w/the cold and I have SAD.
My brother on the East Coast loves the cold and won’t give up the seasons. He loves the snow.
Berkley is a hop, skip and jump from SF. I love it there. SD compared to that is BORING for sure.
I still wouldn’t give up the weather, but some people who don’t suffer and can deal w/the weather, it isn’t a factor.
If it weren’t for the weather, I’d live in SF or even back East.
Now do I get bored here, no. I find plenty to do b/c I enjoy outdoor activities and the beach. Those of us who live here love SD, but I’ve lived other places and when people say this is the place to be to, for example, justify the price and say everyone wants to live here, that’s just not true. Compared to other cities, it is boring.
I’ve moved around and you can always make friends.