nostradamus – That’s true, that is pre-boomers. Technically baby boomers are now 62 and soon they will be adding to inventory. Probably her son is a boomer, selling her place to take care of her. I don’t have numbers on pre-boomers, but the boomers will have to deal w/their parents and that is not discussed.
My parents fall into the category, but house was already sold in divorce. I bought a condo for my mom in a 55 and over community. Father in law already sold his place pre-boom and bought in a 55+ community in Temecula.
EDIT: Got an email from him this morning:
“Looks like were at $456k right now. I’d like to submit an offer with the short sale application package to the bank today. Please get me your best offer this morning if you are still interested. Thank you for your consideration”