a woman’s greatest assets (where men are concerned) are youth, beauty and an ability to procreate
If only it were true. I’d be married to a young, beautiful, fertile idiot and have a house full of idiot children but hey, they’d be pretty.
Consider what most men leave their wives for (younger, more beautiful women who are in their “prime” years for child-bearing).
While it does happen in very rare instances, most men do not cheat with or leave their wives for older, less attractive, more intelligent women.
Witness what Eliot Spitzer cheated with. His wife is the essense of an accomplished, intelligent, beautiful (certainly very attractive for her age) woman, but she has to worry about a threat not only from younger, more attractive women — but the women are literally whores as well! Guess the wanna-be rapper/models are more intelligent and accomplished than his wife??