Nostradamus….please read:
It’s still too early for me to decide, but if I were to vote today I would lean towards Giuliani because he:
* Is pro-choice:
That’s fine.
* Favors school vouchers, so you can send your kids to your chosen school (I don’t have kids but if I did I wouldn’t want politicians to decide where I school them).
BAD. School vouchers create more privatization of taxpayers dollars. No different than outsourcing. We pay taxes, and then each individual can choose (using vouchers) the school. Problematic, many of these schools will operate outside of standards required by Public Schools. This means they can preach any kind of thing, and the teachers they employ, may be less qualified. As I have observed with federal contractors/outsourcing in the human services field, the workers are either entry level, OR worse, quite incompetent. The owners of the contract, keep the bucks, pay the workers poorly and poor benes. They have gold lining their pockets, and this makes school’s a FOR PROFIT institution. Thus, conflict is created.
I can tell you of a very big government contractor, who keeps getting more money. He runs ads wanting someone VERY overqualified for a position, but pay is SO LOW, that no one takes the job. So, the positions stay vacant, he keeps money (since he is not paying for the position) and the service recipients suffer. Our sailors in this case.
* Says we should do nothing about gay marriage. Seriously, why the f*** are we even debating this stupid issue? Another piece of fodder to distract the public from real issues. Other candidates (including RP) favor a constitutional amendment to ban it. Why waste taxpayer dollars? It’s like why not amend to ban, say, sex with crickets or riding horses naked after midnight? It’s nonsensical..
Agreed. This is not an issue.
* Is not sure if global warming is caused by humans but agrees that to be safe, we should look into energy alternatives including the expansion of nuclear energy. This should have been done LONG ago.
* Says states should decide their own gun laws.
That seems okay.
* Wants a $7500 tax deduction so we can get our own health care.
Something tells me this smells like a rat (Marion can you help?). I suspect health care coverage will go up, so $7500 won’t mean much.
* Wants to expand/increase HSA (health savings account) coverage.
* Wants a border fence with high-tech monitoring and tamper-proof immigrant ID cards.
I could be okay with this.
* Wants to cut corporate tax to 25%
BRAVO. But will it REALLY happen?
Same as above.
* Wants to cut spending on civilian agencies (I.e. contractors) to 5% of the budget
* Wants to cut federal employees by 50% (i.e. 50% less bureaucracy)
Make no mistake, he can say he is cutting them, but the money will go to contractors. I have seen it tenfold.