One of my more radical solutions would be to blanket North Korea with tiny MP3 players with radios that accept South Korean news and radio stations. Haha. But among the more mundane solutions:
Put North Korea back on the state sponsored terrorism list (which Bush removed them from)
Stop any oil aid and frankly other aid. The Chinese will probably be forced to provide funds to North Korea in order to prop up the country. Otherwise it collapses and South Korea is their neighbor (and honestly, if they were smart they would do this anyways, because their freakin’ economy would go through the roof with South Korea next to them). I kind of like this option because it makes China spend money that it does not want to spend.
Regime change.
Push to have more economic trade between North Korea and its neighbors. Capitalism and economy is a very fundamental component to individual freedom and liberty. Once you are able to get that established, North Korea’s days as a dictatorship is finished. This part is easier said than done, but there might be a creative way to do this.
Start talks with Japan to have a missile defense system.
See? No wars in that format.
Personally I find it interesting that many people here would never “enable” bad behavior but are in favor of “enabling” North Korea… I realize it’s a country but there are certain principles in common. I think it’s better to starve the bear instead of making it bigger and stronger and more able to kill you.