[quote=Nor-LA-SD-GUY2]hmm, I think it will get old once one is past 30.
But it is kind of fits a democratic profile I think.
Not all understand, but in generally Democrats kind of view Suburbs as huge mistake.
Everyone should rent a downtown condo and ride a bike to work type of thing.
Maybe why Housing generally does better under republicans but then again I am generalizing here.[/quote]
Nor-LA, for the record, I am a Democrat-turned-independent. And I DO/DID favor close-in suburbs in SD, that is: (Dtn) SD to int’l border, SD to El Cajon, SD to UCSD, SD to MM, SD to San Carlos, etc … but when is enough enough? Even former small (uninc) “coastal hamlets” in NCC have now morphed into coastal/inland megalopolises.
I believe that if the sprawl to every lizard-inhabited corner of SD County had not taken place, new incoming residents would have just taken up the existing available housing (or not relocated to SD if they didn’t like the housing choices). In addition, I feel our local governments would have been better off today due to having to provide much LESS services for a smaller population, even though collecting less taxes. If we had had slow or no-growth initiatives in place in the past, the quality of life would have been far better for every existing resident in SD. Now, nearly all of SD County’s cities are experiencing layoffs caused by rampant hiring during the artificially propped-up “Millenium Boom.” These municipal layoffs that are occurring now come at a time when the county population is 3X what it was 30 years ago and the need for public services are far greater.
The voters in the State of Washington (as well as their Legislature) apparently were far less shortsighted than we/ours turned out to be in this regard and valued their quality of life more than we did.
Back to reality … even though situated within the county of SD (a VERY large county), I don’t consider places such as Alpine, Ramona and (SD) North County as being parts of SD. I consider them to be self-contained areas in their own right. That’s why it’s never made sense to me that people choose to live in them while attempting to commute to SD’s urban core every day to work.