Funny thing is just like japan (because we don’t want to inflate) we will end up with larger and larger defect spending just to keep people busy so they don’t revolt. You cannot get more Gov revenue without growth, you cannot get growth until you solve the housing situation (one way or the other)….[/quote]
Those who gambled on earning income from leveraged speculation on asset prices, especially house prices, are desperate for inflation. It’s the easy way to generate income for those who bought assets with borrowed money. Make thousands every month without having to produce anything! What a deal! Bernanke is a God!
The actual solution to our problems is making more real stuff that we all want enough to pay for, and that substitutes for imports, and exporting things that other people want enough to pay for. Instead we are anxious to shuffle money around so that we can dream that we can get rich by sitting on leveraged housing assets, just like we were doing before 2008.