[quote=Nor-LA-SD-guy]Gates: Colleges’ future is on the web
I think he also said children can learn independently.
Well anyway, what I am getting at is in the near future I think it will not matter what school district you live in (or not as much anyway) as most education will be web based.[/quote]
Hijack off of Temecula and onto web based learning.
Gosh I hope schools don’t go 100% online. While some education can be done on the web – not all of it. How do you do science projects? How do you do art? How do you learn social skills? The internet is a tool – but it cannot replace the school environment. It can supplement, sure, but not replace… at least not at the younger ages.
Part of the value of school is the social skills a child develops. (And one of the reasons I, personally, would not homeschool my kids.) Learning to interact with other kids – especially ones you don’t like or get along with – is a key part of education and very important preparation for adulthood.