Not L.A. city, I know line men working for LADWP making over 150K a year, same for fire men and police.
SDPD pays its officers 50-75K/year before overtime and benefits. And you have to be there a long time to qualify for the higher end of the range. If officers work overtime, it’s only fair that they would be paid more. You work double time, you get double salary.
Also, that is not directly relevant to the discussion, because fire & police officers are paid from city and county budgets, not from the state budget. CHP officers may be paid from the state budget, but I’m not 100% sure of that either.[/quote]
So show me a software engineer not working 50-60 hours a week and I would say that is a lucky engineer. (if not just a temporary employee if you know what I mean)[/quote]
FWIW, a municipal firefighter’s base pay is based on a ~56 hour workweek. They work these hours **BEFORE** earning any overtime. Overtime hours are **in addition** to this.
No offense, but why should programmers be paid more than firefighters or cops or linemen? They don’t risk their lives or deal with the dregs of society, nor do they save other people’s lives. Their jobs afford us “wants” but the jobs of the aforementioned municipal workers afford us our “needs.”
Just saying…what YOU value most is not necessarily what others value most. It is subjective; and many people would rather have well-paid (and therefore less corrupt and more capable) law enforcement and safety personnel than well-paid programmers.