In the seventies the boomers were just starting to enter the Job and housing market driving demand and worker supply through the roof which was one of the main causes of inflation , and back in those days 7 out of 10 people were union workers so they got cost of living raises every year to 6 months (we were getting 15-18% inflation and raises back then).
Do you have anything to back up the 7 in 10 workers were union figure. I searched and only found data back to 1983… about 20%, 1 in 5, workers were union then. http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2008/10/art3full.pdf
And this table shows 26.4% of non-agricultural workers were union in 1975. Even if you put 100% of agricultural workers into the “union” category (which is unrealistic) you don’t get 70%. http://eh.net/encyclopedia/article/friedman.unions.us
I’d say that 1 in 4 workers being union in the 70’s is probably a more accurate figure. Pushing it maybe 1 in 3… but not 7 out of 10.